Terms & Conditions
The sale at Eitz Mitzva is valid only under the following terms and conditions:
Since the tree/trees that you are buying will belong to you, the fruits on that/those tree/trees will also belong to you (If you’d like to pick your fruits, contact Eitz Mitzva so that we can make an arrangement with the farmer to let you in the field and guide you on how to pick the fruits.) In the event you haven’t picked the fruits of your tree/trees, you permit the seller or any representative of Eitz Mitzva or anyone whom they permit to pick the fruits, and to eat achilas arai before separating terumos and ma’aseros, and you allow and designate them as your agents to separate from those fruits terumos and ma’aseros, and even to separate from those fruits the Terumos and ma’aseros for other fruits belonging to other people, and when applicable redeem ma’aser sheni and Revai, and you allow them to thereafter take ownership of those fruits. The specifications of the aforementioned appointment of agency are as stated below:
אני ממנה את מוכר העץ או העצים שאני קונה וגם את חברי עץ מצוה וגם את כל המורשים על ידיהם או את שלוחיהם או שלוחי שלוחיהם עד סוף העולם לקיים כל מצוות התורה הקיימים בשדה ובעץ כגון ערלה, כלאיים, תרומות, ומעשרות ומצוות שביעית כגון שמיטת קרקעות ושמיטת פירות ועוד מצוות הקשורות בחרישה וזריעה וכן להפריש מעכשיו משלי או שברשותי או שיבוא לידי ורשותי תרומות ומעשרות, וכן להפריש משלי על של אחרים, וכן לפדות את המעשר שני ורבעי והם פועלים כשליחים שלי ומדין פועל כיד בעל הבית. ולעולם לא אוכל לטעון לתקוני שדרתיך ולא לעוותי רק מעשיהם עבורי בשליחות מועיל תמיד ויכולים לפעול עבורי בשליחותי למה שנמצא עכשיו בבעלותי או ברשותי וגם למה שיגיע מכאן ולהבא, והם או בא כוחם כהנזכר לעיל שלוחי, עד שאבטל בכתב השליחות ואודיע להם. ובמקום שלא מועיל ההפרשות וחילולים כשליח יועיל עבורי מדין זכיה.
All actions to the tree/trees or any parts of it/them, including their fruits, whether or not for the benefit of the tree/trees or their fruits, will be according to the sole discretion of the person who will be dealing with the tree/trees at the time of those actions.
The sale is valid only in absence of any negation of Torah laws governing the Land of Israel.
If the image(s) of a tree are inconsistent with the description of its location, the tree that is sold is the one that appears in the image(s).
The images of the trees on the site do not necessarily reflect the true appearance of the trees (i.e., height, color, etc.). Some images were fixed to embellish the look (e.g.., lighting, color, spot fix to remove dry leaves, etc.)
The seller does not obligate himself to give/provide to the customer any services or products that are given to the customer for free.
The seller, the farmer or any of their agents do not guarantee that there will be long-term tree care or fulfillment of mitzvot with the tree and its fruits for the tree that the buyer is acquiring.
New Photo(s) of the customer’s tree and Orchard News as part of the Tree Link subscription (when paid for by the customer) will be sent to the customer by email. The seller retains the right to decide on the quality, quantity and frequency of these products/services.
Tree Care as part of the Tree Link subscription (when paid for by the customer) is a service where Eitz Mitzva arranges for a portion of the money (paid by the customer) to be given to the farmer of the orchard (where the customer’s tree is growing) to pay (partially or fully) for tree’s care, such as water, and/or other things for the tree’s needs, and/or labor involved in tending for the tree, and/or materials & labor to ensure that the tree is not taken over by others unfairly or unlawfully.